Dear one, do not fear. Behold, your King is coming. Do not be afraid of Him, who comes to save you. And do not fear anything else.
King Jesus comes in the Name of the Lord into His holy city, Jerusalem. He comes, then, to die for your salvation. He comes, now, to forgive you with His own blood.
This new and greater David comes into a new and greater city of Jersualem, His Church. And the donkey that He rides into His Church is the bread and wine with which He gives you His holy body and precious blood. The donkey brought Him to the Cross, then, as this Sacrament bears Him to you from that Cross, now, in this new and better Feast of our Passover.
What this means for you is life. Indeed, it is your life with God in Christ, in His Kingdom.
But how shall you "remember" these things, and how shall you "understand" this Word? How shall you contemplate the Cross and recognize the glory of Christ Jesus in it? How shall you receive this Cross of Christ and its fruits, and rejoice in these gifts, not as a scandal, but as your salvation?
Here is how:
Hearken to His Word of forgiveness, and give attention to the Sign He has performed. For not only has He raised Lazarus from the dead, as by His voice He shall raise you; but He Himself has risen from the dead, having obtained redemption by His blood.
His Resurrection is the proclamation of His victory, and His risen Body is the first fruits of your salvation. And here, precisely here, He is coming to you. Do not fear. Kneel in homage at His Name, but do not cower in fear.
Come to meet Him at His Altar, and so enter with Him into His holy city, into His Temple; not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, yet here on earth as it is in heaven!
Here is the life-giving fruit of His Cross and the power of His Resurrection. Follow Him in this way of the Cross, which is the way of life, through His Blood of the eternal Covenant. The Life of God is in His Blood, and His Blood is poured out for you here.
It is with this Blood of His that your King, Christ Jesus, has entered into His holy city — and what is more, into the Most Holy Place — for you; that you may be with Him where He is, with God forever.
It is by and with this same Blood of the Covenant that He gives Himself to you (here and now) and binds you to Himself (forever and ever).
By this Blood, you live: tangibly in this Sacrament, and bodily in your own flesh, unto the life everlasting.
Do not fear, dear one.
Behold, your King is coming to you.
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest!
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