Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Isaiah 58:3–9a
1 Corinthians 2:1–12 (13–16)
Matthew 5:13–20
Hymn of Invocation
Hail to the Lord’s anointed (LSB 398)
Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
Thy strong word did cleave the darkness (LSB 578)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Isaiah, mighty seer in days of old (LSB 960)
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (LSB 621)
My faith looks up to Thee (LSB 702)
I am content! My Jesus ever lives (LSB 468)
Hymn of Departure
Sing praise to God, the highest good (LSB 819)
Alternative Hymns
Blessed Jesus, at Your Word (LSB 904)
From God the Father, virgin-born (LSB 401)
Hope of the world, Thou Christ of great compassion (LSB 690)
In the cross of Christ I glory (LSB 427)
Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness (LSB 563)
Rise, shine, you people (LSB 825)
Salvation unto us has come (LSB 555)
The Gospel shows the Father’s grace (LSB 580)
The Law of God is good and wise (LSB 579)
The night will soon be ending (LSB 337)
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Deuteronomy 30:15–20
1 Corinthians 3:1–9
Matthew 5:21–37
Hymn of Invocation
These are the holy Ten Commands (LSB 581)
Hymn of the Day
Songs of thankfulness and praise (LSB 394)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
O Christ, our hope, our hearts’ desire (LSB 553) (Catechetical)
Salvation unto us has come (LSB 555)
Word of God, come down on earth (LSB 545)
Praise the Almighty, my soul, adore Him (LSB 797)
Hymn of Departure
Come, Thou Fount of ev’ry blessing (LSB 686)
Alternative Hymns
Built on the Rock the Church shall stand (LSB 645)
Come down, O Love divine (LSB 501)
Come, Thou bright and Morning Star (LSB 872)
Entrust your days and burdens (LSB 754)
"Forgive our sins as we forgive" (LSB 843)
Holy Spirit, ever dwelling (LSB 650)
Lord, help us ever to retain (LSB 865)
Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide (LSB 585)
Lord Jesus, think on me (LSB 610)
The only Son from heaven (LSB 402)
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
Leviticus 19:1–2, 9–18
1 Corinthians 3:10–23
Matthew 5:38–48
Hymn of Invocation
In the very midst of life (LSB 755)
Hymn of the Day
O God, O Lord of heaven and earth (LSB 834)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
From God the Father, virgin-born (LSB 401)
My soul, now praise your maker (LSB 820) (Catechetical)
Lord of glory, You have bought us (LSB 851)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (LSB 790)
Hymn of Departure
May God bestow on us His grace (LSB 823)
Alternative Hymns
Built on the Rock the Church shall stand (LSB 645)
Christ is made the sure foundation (LSB 909)
Creator Spirit, by whose aid (LSB 500)
Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide (LSB 585)
Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word (LSB 655)
O God, my faithful God (LSB 696)
O love, how deep, how broad, how high (LSB 544)
Only-begotten, Word of God eternal (LSB 916)
The only Son from heaven (LSB 402)
Where charity and love prevail (LSB 845)
Eighth Sunday after the Epiphany
Isaiah 49:8–16a
1 Corinthians 4:1–13
Matthew 6:24–34
Hymn of Invocation
A multitude comes from the east and the west (LSB 510)
Hymn of the Day
Sing praise to God, the highest good (LSB 819)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
O God, my faithful God (LSB 696)
Entrust your days and burdens (LSB 754)
All depends on our possessing (LSB 732) (Catechetical)
Let us ever walk with Jesus (LSB 685)
Hymn of Departure
Christ be my leader by night as by day (LSB 861)
Alternative Hymns
Before the throne of God above (LSB 574)
Consider how the birds above (LSB 736)
In Thee is gladness (LSB 818)
Lord of all hopefulness (LSB 738)
My soul, now praise your maker (LSB 820)
The gifts Christ freely gives (LSB 602)
These are the holy Ten Commands (LSB 581)
Water, blood, and Spirit crying (LSB 597)
Last Sunday after the Epiphany / before Lent
The Transfiguration of Our Lord
Exodus 24:8–18
2 Peter 1:16–21
Matthew 17:1–9
Processional Hymn
Praise be to Christ in whom we see (LSB 538)
Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
O wondrous type! O vision fair (LSB 413)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Wide open stand the gates (LSB 639)
O Morning Star, how fair and bright (LSB 395)
‘Tis good, Lord, to be here (LSB 414)
Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide (LSB 585)
Processional Out
Alleluia, song of gladness (LSB 417)
Alternative Hymns
All praise to Thee, for Thou, O King divine (LSB 815)
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (LSB 821)
Arise and shine in splendor (LSB 396)
Beautiful Savior, King of creation (LSB 537)
In the shattered bliss of Eden (LSB 572)
Jesus on the mountain peak (LSB 415)
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (LSB 621)
O God of God, O Light of Light (LSB 810)
O God of light, Your Word, a lamp unfailing (LSB 836)
O Word of God incarnate (LSB 523)
Thanks to Thee, O Christ, victorious (LSB 548)
The only Son from heaven (LSB 402)
Thine the amen, Thine the praise (LSB 680)
Thy strong word did cleave the darkness (LSB 578)
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