The Sunday of All Saints
Proper 26 (Sunday on October 30—November 5)
Micah 3:5–12
1 Thessalonians 4:1–12
Matthew 23:1–12
Processional Hymn / Hymn of Invocation
All who believe and are baptized (LSB 601)
Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide (LSB 585)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
In the shattered bliss of Eden (LSB 572)
Wide open stand the gates (LSB 639)
Saints, see the cloud of witnesses (LSB 667)
A mighty fortress is our God (LSB 656)
Processional Out / Hymn of Departure
Behold a host, arrayed in white (LSB 676)
Alternative Hymns
Come down, O Love divine (LSB 501)
"Forgive our sins as we forgive" (LSB 843)
God of the prophets, bless the prophets’ sons (LSB 682)
Lord Jesus, think on me (LSB 610)
Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word (LSB 655)
Lord of all hopefulness (LSB 738)
Lord of our life and God of our salvation (LSB 659)
Preserve Your Word, O Savior (LSB 658)
These are the holy Ten Commands (LSB 581)
We are called to stand together (LSB 828)
We praise You and acknowledge You, O God (LSB 941)
Where charity and love prevail (LSB 845)
The Third-Last Sunday Before Advent
Proper 27 (Sunday on November 6–12)
Amos 5:18–24
1 Thessalonians 4:13–18
Matthew 25:1–13
Hymn of Invocation
Preserve Your Word, O Savior (LSB 658)
Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
Wake, awake, for night is flying (LSB 516)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
The Bridegroom soon will call us (LSB 514)
O Lord, how shall I meet You (LSB 334)
From God can nothing move me (LSB 713)
Jesus, Thy boundless love to me (LSB 683)
Hymn of Departure
Who trusts in God a strong abode (LSB 714)
Alternative Hymns
Creator of the stars of night (LSB 351)
For all the saints who from their labors rest (LSB 677)
God’s own child, I gladly say it (LSB 594)
I am content! My Jesus ever lives (LSB 468)
I know that my Redeemer lives (LSB 461)
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (LSB 621)
Lo! He comes with clouds descending (LSB 336)
O Savior, rend the heavens wide (LSB 355)
Rejoice, rejoice, believers (LSB 515)
Rise, my soul, to watch and pray (LSB 663)
Soul, adorn yourself with gladness (LSB 636)
The clouds of judgment gather (LSB 513)
The day is surely drawing near (LSB 508)
The night will soon be ending (LSB 337)
This body in the grave we lay (LSB 759)
We know that Christ is raised (LSB 603)
The Second-Last Sunday Before Advent
Proper 28 (Sunday on November 13–19)
Zephaniah 1:7–16
1 Thessalonians 5:1–11
Matthew 25:14–30
Hymn of Invocation
In the very midst of life (LSB 755)
Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
The day is surely drawing near (LSB 508)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
I walk in danger all the way (LSB 716)
If thou but trust in God to guide thee (LSB 750)
Lo! He comes with clouds descending (LSB 336)
Lord of our life and God of our salvation (LSB 659)
Hymn of Departure
Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word (LSB 655)
Alternative Hymns
All mankind fell in Adam’s fall (LSB 562)
Be strong in the Lord (LSB 665)
Creator of the stars of night (LSB 351)
For all the saints who from their labors rest (LSB 677)
How clear is our vocation, Lord (LSB 853)
Jesus Christ, our blessed Savior (LSB 627)
Lord, enthroned in heav’nly splendor (LSB 534)
Lord, to You I make confession (LSB 608)
One thing’s needful; Lord, this treasure (LSB 536)
Rise, my soul, to watch and pray (LSB 663)
Rise! To arms! With prayer employ you (LSB 668)
Saints, see the cloud of witnesses (LSB 667)
The clouds of judgment gather (LSB 513)
The night will soon be ending (LSB 337)
Wake, awake, for night is flying (LSB 516)
What is the world to me (LSB 730)
The Last Sunday Before Advent
Proper 29 (Sunday on November 20–26)
Ezekiel 34:11–16, 20–24
1 Corinthians 15:20–28
Matthew 25:31–46
Processional Hymn / Hymn of Invocation
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (LSB 621)
Hymn of the Day
The Head that once was crowned with thorns (LSB 532)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Wide open stand the gates (LSB 639)
At the name of Jesus (LSB 512)
O Morning Star, how fair and bright (LSB 395)
Sing with all the saints in glory (LSB 671)
Processional Out / Hymn of Departure / Catechetical Hymn
For all the saints who from their labors rest (LSB 677)
Alternative Hymns
A multitude comes from the east and the west (LSB 510)
All mankind fell in Adam’s fall (LSB 562)
Christ sits at God’s right hand (LSB 564)
Creator of the stars of night (LSB 351)
Crown Him with many crowns (LSB 525)
Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding (LSB 345)
Have no fear, little flock (LSB 735)
Jesus Christ, my sure defense (LSB 741)
Lo! He comes with clouds descending (LSB 336)
Lord of glory, You have bought us (LSB 851)
Lord, Thee I love with all my heart (LSB 708)
O God of mercy, God of might (LSB 852)
O Jesus, King most wonderful (LSB 554)
Praise be to Christ in whom we see (LSB 538)
The day is surely drawing near (LSB 508)
The King of love my shepherd is (LSB 709)
Thine the amen, Thine the praise (LSB 680)
We know that Christ is raised (LSB 603)
Where charity and love prevail (LSB 845)
Why should cross and trial grieve me (LSB 756)
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