23 June 2010

Hymns for Proper 8-13 Series C

First Sunday in Apostles’ Tide
Proper 8 (Sunday on June 26—July 2)

1 Kings 19:9b–21
Psalm 16 (antiphon: v. 11)
Galatians 5:1, 13–25
Luke 9:51–62

Hymn of Invocation
In the very midst of life (LSB 755)

Hymn of the Day
“Come, follow Me,” the Savior spake (LSB 688)

Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Sing praise to God, the highest good (LSB 819)
I lie, O Lord, within Your care (LSB 885) (Catechetical)
Lord, Thee I love with all my heart (LSB 708)
Let us ever walk with Jesus (LSB 685)

Hymn of Departure
May God bestow on us His grace (LSB 823)

Alternative Hymns
All for Christ I have forsaken (LSB 753)
Christ is made the sure foundation (LSB 909)
Eternal Spirit of the living Christ (LSB 769)
From God can nothing move me (LSB 713)
Fruitful trees, the Spirit’s sowing (LSB 691)
God of the prophets, bless the prophets’ sons (LSB 682)
How can I thank You, Lord (LSB 703)
How clear is our vocation, Lord (LSB 853)
How firm a foundation, O saints of the Lord (LSB 728)
In Thee is gladness (LSB 818)
Love in Christ is strong and living (LSB 706)
My song is love unknown (LSB 430)
O Christ, our true and only light (LSB 839)
O God, forsake me not (LSB 731)
O God, O Lord of heaven and earth (LSB 834)
O Holy Spirit, enter in (LSB 913)
Speak, O Lord, Your servant listens (LSB 589)
The gifts Christ freely gives (LSB 602)
Water, blood, and Spirit crying (LSB 597)
Who trusts in God a strong abode (LSB 714)

Second Sunday in Apostles’ Tide
Proper 9 (Sunday on July 3–9)

Isaiah 66:10–14
Psalm 66:1–7 (antiphon: v. 8–9)
Galatians 6:1–10, 14–18
Luke 10:1–20

Hymn of Invocation
Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord (LSB 497)

Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
Jesus has come and brings pleasure eternal (LSB 533)

Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Why should cross and trial grieve me (LSB 756)
God’s own child, I gladly say it (LSB 594)
All glory be to God alone (LSB 948)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (LSB 793)

Hymn of Departure
O God, O Lord of heaven and earth (LSB 834)

Alternative Hymns
Abide, O dearest Jesus (LSB 919)
Christ, the Lord of hosts, unshaken (LSB 521)
Father most holy, merciful and tender (LSB 504)
From depths of woe I cry to Thee (LSB 607)
God of the prophets, bless the prophets’ sons (LSB 682)
How clear is our vocation, Lord (LSB 853)
I walk in danger all the way (LSB 716)
Jerusalem, O city fair and high (LSB 674)
Jesus, priceless treasure (LSB 743)
Let us ever walk with Jesus (LSB 685)
Lift high the cross (LSB 837)
My song is love unknown (LSB 430)
Now thank we all our God (LSB 895)
O Christ, our true and only light (LSB 839)
O God of light, Your Word, a lamp unfailing (LSB 836)
O Holy Spirit, grant us grace (LSB 693)
The day is surely drawing near (LSB 508)
The Head that once was crowned with thorns (LSB 532)
The royal banners forward go (LSB 455)
Wide open stand the gates (LSB 639)

Third Sunday in Apostles’ Tide
Proper 10 (Sunday on July 10–16)

Leviticus (18:1–5) 19:9–18
Psalm 41 (antiphon: v. 1)
Colossians 1:1–14
Luke 10:25–37

Hymn of Invocation
With the Lord begin your task (LSB 869)

Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
Where charity and love prevail (LSB 845)

Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Jesus, priceless treasure (LSB 743)
Lord of glory, You have bought us (LSB 851)
I walk in danger all the way (LSB 716)
If God Himself be for me (LSB 724)

Hymn of Departure
Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide (LSB 585)

Alternative Hymns
Abide, O dearest Jesus (LSB 919)
Christ is the world’s Redeemer (LSB 539)
Church of God, elect and glorious (LSB 646)
Eternal Spirit of the living Christ (LSB 769)
Evening and morning (LSB 726)
Hear us, Father, when we pray (LSB 773)
How can I thank You, Lord (LSB 703)
Jesus, Thy boundless love to me (LSB 683)
Lord, dismiss us with Your blessing (LSB 924)
Lord, Thee I love with all my heart (LSB 708)
Now thank we all our God (LSB 895)
O Christ, our hope, our hearts’ desire (LSB 553)
O God of mercy, God of might (LSB 852)
Oh, how great is Your compassion (LSB 559)
Oh, what their joy and their glory must be (LSB 675)
Praise the One who breaks the darkness (LSB 849)
Son of God, eternal Savior (LSB 842)
Splendor and honor, majesty and power (LSB 950)
What wondrous love is this, O my soul (LSB 543)
You are the way; through You alone (LSB 526)

Fourth Sunday in Apostles’ Tide
Proper 11 (Sunday on July 17–23)

Genesis 18:1–10a (10b–14)
Psalm 27:(1–6) 7–14 (antiphon: v. 4)
Colossians 1:21–29
Luke 10:38–42

Hymn of Invocation
To God the Holy Spirit let us pray (LSB 768)

Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
One thing’s needful; Lord, this treasure (LSB 536)

Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Thy strong word did cleave the darkness (LSB 578)
Speak, O Lord, Your servant listens (LSB 589)
Lord of our life and God of our salvation (LSB 659)
The God of Abraham praise (LSB 798)

Hymn of Departure
Jesus, Thy boundless love to me (LSB 683)

Alternative Hymns
All you works of God, bless the Lord (LSB 930)
At the name of Jesus (LSB 512)
Blessed Jesus, at Your Word (LSB 904)
From God can nothing move me (LSB 713)
Hear us, Father, when we pray (LSB 773)
How clear is our vocation, Lord (LSB 853)
How firm a foundation, O saints of the Lord (LSB 728)
Jesus Christ, my sure defense (LSB 741)
Let us ever walk with Jesus (LSB 685)
Lord of all hopefulness (LSB 738)
Lord, open now my heart to hear (LSB 908)
Lord, Thee I love with all my heart (LSB 708)
My soul rejoices (LSB 933)
O Holy Spirit, enter in (LSB 913)
Oh, blest the house whate’er befall (LSB 862)
Seek where you may to find a way (LSB 557)
The Church’s one foundation (LSB 644)
What God ordains is always good (LSB 760)
Who trusts in God a strong abode (LSB 714)
Word of God, come down on earth (LSB 545)

Fifth Sunday in Apostles’ Tide
Proper 12 (Sunday on July 24–30)

Genesis 18:(17–19) 20–33
Psalm 138 (antiphon: v. 3)
Colossians 2:6–15 (16–19)
Luke 11:1–13

Hymn of Invocation
Hear us, Father, when we pray (LSB 773)

Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
Our Father, who from heav’n above (LSB 766)

Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
All Christians who have been baptized (LSB 596)
Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord (LSB 497)
Entrust your days and burdens (LSB 754)
From God can nothing move me (LSB 713)

Hymn of Departure
Our Father, by whose name (LSB 863)

Alternative Hymns
Baptized into Your name most holy (LSB 590)
Children of the heav’nly Father (LSB 725)
Christ is made the sure foundation (LSB 909)
Christ is the world’s Redeemer (LSB 539)
Eternal Spirit of the living Christ (LSB 769)
Father most holy, merciful and tender (LSB 504)
Feed Thy children, God most holy (LSB 774)
Grant peace, we pray, in mercy, Lord (LSB 777)
Lord Jesus Christ, the Church’s head (LSB 647)
O love, how deep, how broad, how high (LSB 544)
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing (LSB 528)
Oh, what their joy and their glory must be (LSB 675)
Once in the blest baptismal waters (LSB 598)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (LSB 793)
Praise the Almighty, my soul, adore Him (LSB 797)
Rise, shine, you people (LSB 825)
Rise! To arms! With prayer employ you (LSB 668)
To God the Holy Spirit let us pray (LSB 768)
We know that Christ is raised (LSB 603)
Wide open stand the gates (LSB 639)

Sixth Sunday in Apostles’ Tide
Proper 13 (Sunday on July 31—August 6)

Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12–14; 2:18–26
Psalm 100 (antiphon: v. 3)
Colossians 3:1–11
Luke 12:13–21

Hymn of Invocation
Praise the Almighty, my soul, adore Him (LSB 797)

Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
The gifts Christ freely gives (LSB 602)

Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing (LSB 633)
O God, my faithful God (LSB 696)
All depends on our possessing (LSB 732)
Gracious God, You send great blessings (LSB 782)

Hymn of Departure
A mighty fortress is our God (LSB 656)

Alternative Hymns
All people that on earth do dwell (LSB 791)
Chief of sinners though I be (LSB 611)
Christ be my leader by night as by day (LSB 861)
Consider how the birds above (LSB 736)
Father, we thank Thee who hast planted (LSB 652)
Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer (LSB 918)
If God Himself be for me (LSB 724)
In God, my faithful God (LSB 745)
Jesus Christ, my sure defense (LSB 741)
Jesus, priceless treasure (LSB 743)
O Holy Spirit, grant us grace (LSB 693)
O Jesus, King most wonderful (LSB 554)
O living Bread from heaven (LSB 642)
Rock of ages, cleft for me (LSB 761)
Son of God, eternal Savior (LSB 842)
There is a time for ev’rything (LSB 762)
Voices raised to You we offer (LSB 795)
What is the world to me (LSB 730)
Who trusts in God a strong abode (LSB 714)
Why should cross and trial grieve me (LSB 756)

12 June 2010

You, Little Lamb, Are a Daughter to Him

Would you invite the Lord Jesus into your home — to abide with you, to eat and drink with you — and yet spurn those whom He loves and forgives and welcomes to Himself?

Would you presume to serve Jesus at your neighbor's expense?

How, then, do you look at your neighbor? How do you see him or her?

Do you see this woman?

How do you see her? What do you see? Are you scared of her, or scandalized by her sins? Are you ashamed of her, embarrassed by her life and by her lavish love for Jesus?

You are that woman.

You are the man — who deserves nothing but punishment; who ought to make restitution many times over, and yet would still deserve to die.

You are the sinner.

And the Lord has also taken your sin away. You shall not die. Nor are you cast away from His presence.

Jesus sees this woman, this man, this sinner. He knows her, who and what sort of person she is: one whom He loves, whom He graciously forgives. He allows her to draw near; indeed, He draws her by His grace, by His voice of the Gospel. He allows her to touch Him, so that, whatever her shame, He makes it His own. He bears it in His Body to the cross.

He has made Himself like her. He has made Himself like you: bearing your sin, your shame; and becoming the curse for you, that you might receive His blessing.

He is not ashamed of the woman, nor the man. He is not ashamed to be the friend of sinners; to be more than their friend, their Savior. He is not ashamed of you, to call you His sister, His brother. He loves you and has mercy upon you. He calls you and draws you near to Himself. He allows you to touch Him, to lay hold of Him in the means of grace. He places Himself into your hands, even as He takes you gently into His own.

He is the Man!

The accusing finger of the Law points at Him, and it sentences Him to die. For He has made Himself THE SINNER — with your sins, and the sins of the world — in order to save sinners.

Therefore, He dies. He makes restitution fourfold, sevenfold, seventy-sevenfold. He provides Himself as the Lamb, for rich and poor alike, in order to atone for one and all with His blood and feed them all with His flesh. He who is rich beyond all measure, has made Himself utterly poor, wretched, decrepit and despised, that you by His poverty should be made rich with the wealth and treasures of His heaven itself.

Christ Jesus becomes the sacrificial Lamb, so that she, this sinful woman from the city, becomes His dear little ewe lamb, who lives in His house with His children, who reclines at His bosom and eats and drinks at His Table, and is like a beloved daughter to Him.

She receives His mercy and compassion, and He welcomes and receives her love. He praises and acknowledges her love. He praises and acknowledges her.

Simon the Pharisee does not see her, but only her sin. That man, rich with his own self-righteousness, is not willing to sacrifice or set aside anything of his own, but he would rob this poor woman of that true righteousness of hers, which Christ praises in her, which is by His grace through faith in His Gospel.

But Christ looks at her in love and sees her, truly, bedecked and adorned in His beautiful righteousness. He does not see or look at her sins, though they are many, but He points with joy and gladness to her worship, to her faith and love.

He covers her shame with His honor. He clothes her nakedness with His own robe of righteousness and holiness, innocence and blessedness. He removes the sting and stain of her sin with His free and full forgiveness.

Understand that she is not forgiven because she loves, but she loves Christ Jesus so much because she is forgiven by His grace.

Her love for Him is the evidence of her faith, a joyous sacrifice of thanksgiving for His forgiveness. She is overwhelmed by His grace toward her, and so she is utterly overcome with sweet love for Him. So, by faith in Him as her true God and Savior, she worships Him with her whole heart of love, with her salty tears from eyes of wonder, with the very hairs of her head, with the tender kisses of her lips, and with her costly treasures of perfume. There is no gift too precious, no price so great that she would not gladly offer it with grateful adoration to this Lord God and dear Savior, Jesus. She loses herself, her shame and her fear in His Peace. She knows only her giant need and His gracious providence, her great sin and His far greater forgiveness.

Such is the true spiritual worship of faith and love, which looks to Christ Jesus for all good things, for both body and soul, for this life and the life everlasting; worship which prays, praises and gives thanks to the Lord Jesus for that which He has given and that which He has promised; worship which loves Him by serving His Body, whether in His own person or in the beloved members of His Bride, the Church.

For she is a new creation, with a new life in Christ. That is who and what and what sort of person she is. And you also are made brand new in Him. Surely, it is no longer you who live, but Christ lives in you.

Your sins, which are many, are all forgiven. Christ looks at you in love, He beholds you in mercy, and He sees no sin or shame in you, but He rejoices over you. He praises the faith and love which are His own gracious gift and good work in you.

Therefore, dear one, beloved of Christ, have compassion for one another: for your brothers and sisters in Christ; for your neighbors in the world, near and far; for sinful men, women and children, from the city and the country.

Receive sinners, even into your home and at your table, as you would receive the Lord Jesus Himself. Receive them, love them and forgive them, as you are loved and forgiven, daily and richly, by the mercies of God in Christ.

And having received such mercy, support the Church and Ministry of Christ out of the means which He provides you, which is your sacred trust and stewardship, whether of much or of little. Support His Church and Ministry in faith and love, and with thanksgiving; for your own sake, and for your neighbor's sake, that you and your neighbor may continue to hear the Gospel and receive the good gifts of Christ.

In these and other ways, by works of mercy and charity, in faith and love, offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving for the atoning sacrifice of Christ.

You cannot praise and thank Him "too much" (nor can you love and serve your neighbor "too much"); you cannot pay the debt of gratitude you owe. But Christ has already paid your debt and covered your account, and every day He graciously forgives you all your debts and trespasses and sins. For He loves you much, and He forgives you as often as you fall.

You, little lamb, are a dear daughter to Him, or a beloved son. Though you tremble, do not be afraid; and though you are yet scared, do not run away or hide from Him. He sees you in love, He knows you in mercy, He calls you and welcomes you here to Himself. Lay hold of Him, as He lays hold of you. Recline here at His Table, upon His bosom, above His beating heart of love. Eat and drink within His house, with His children, His many brothers and sisters, the dear children of His own God and Father. You also are such a dear child of His.

Be at peace, little lamb, for here you are safe.

In the Name + of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

05 June 2010

Arise, and Do Not Weep, but Live

There are so many reminders of your sin and death, and the two are inextricably connected. Death in yourself and in others points to sin; whereas sin and its curse and consequences point to death.

Orphans and widows are a special case in point. Bereft of father, bereft of husband, they are bereft of headship, authority and care in their distress. Sin and death have robbed them of such fundamentals of life on earth; as sin and death likewise separate you from the Lord, the Holy Triune God, who would be your Father and your Bridegroom.

There are, consequently, all manner of widows and orphans, with many different kinds of distress. There are women whose husbands have died, and children whose fathers and mothers have died. But there are also women whose husbands abuse or neglect them, or cheat on them, or leave them alone. And there are children whose fathers and mothers ignore them, or beat and abuse them, or leave them altogether. And there are those, unmarried, who do not find or receive the family and friendship of the Church, although such kinship ought to be extended in the name of Christ to all of His dear Christians, to all who have but one God and Father, who are anointed by one and the same Holy Spirit.

It is only by the grace of God that you and all are not entirely bereft of everyone and everything; for sin and death would claim each and every one of you forever.

Again, there are so many reminders of your sin and death, including all those things leading up to your death, which relentlessly bring your iniquity and mortality to light; which manifest your distance and separation from God; and which cause you doubt and fear, suffering and sorrow, and no end of anxiety and distress, day by day, night by night.

Among those troubling reminders of sin and death, the strongest and fiercest enemy of all, and by the far the most terrible and terrifying, is God's own holy and righteous Law. It always accuses, condemns, and threatens to punish you severely; not because the Law is evil, but because it is holy and righteous, and you are not.

Therefore, it is so very frightening when God the Lord turns toward you. For you do not know, up front, whether He does so with His Law or with His Gospel, whether in anger or in love. But the very sin that haunts you, tells you that God is surely out to get you, to punish and destroy you, as you rightly deserve. You fear His wrath, but you do not love and trust in Him. Even as He turns toward you, you turn and run away from Him.

Yet, as frightening as His presence is, it would be far worse if He were not turned toward you. Then there would be only trial and tribulation, trouble and death, both here in time and hereafter in eternity.

So that is your no win situation, your Catch 22. You're damned if He do, or so it seems; and damned if He don't.

But in Christ Jesus, God the Son — by His Cross and Resurrection — the very One who has so pursued and persecuted you with His Law, now preaches the Gospel to you: to forgive your sins and give you life instead of death. And this, in fact, is what He has always been aiming at, what He has desired and sought for you from the very beginning. All along, He has acted in love, by grace, with mercy.

He is moved by His deep divine compassion for you; for which the Father has given His Son and sacrificed Him for you, and the Son has given Himself and sacrificed Himself for you. Such love, such mercy, such compassion.

God turns Himself toward you, His face and His heart, and He comes to you — in Christ Jesus — for the sake of His divine and holy love: to save you from sin and death, and to remove from you forever the accusation, condemnation, and punishment of the Law.

Thus, He stretches out His hand to touch you in mercy. Not to strike you or spank you, not to hit you or hurt you; not to molest or abuse you, but to care for you, to hold you tenderly in His love for you. He does not grab or take from you, but opens His hand to give you all good things. He does no violence against you, but with compassion He touches you. He touches your sickness, your disease, your leprosy. He touches your stink, your oozing wounds, your ugliness and pain. He touches your coffin, your funeral bier, your dead body, your rotting corpse. He lays His hand upon your sin and death, not to punish you, but to remove these from you: to take them upon Himself!

The death that you see and feel and experience in yourself, in your parents, in your siblings, and in your children, God the Father has laid upon His only-begotten Son. So that He thus remembers your iniquity in His own death, in order to remember you in mercy, and to raise you up in and with Him.

For the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate God, has made His bed in the dust of the earth, in your grave, so that now, when He lays you upon His Bed in Holy Baptism, and He stretches Himself upon you and covers you with His Name, His Cross and His Spirit, He carries you up into the Upper Room of His Church — the House where He lives with you — and He raises you up from death to life, out of the grave into heaven, to the bosom of His God and Father.

All of this He does by the Word of the Gospel, which is preached to you, even here and now.

This Word of the Lord in my mouth — in your ears — is Truth, it is Spirit, and it is Life. This Gospel that I preach to you is not mine but Christ's; and it is for you. Here and now — and this is how — He forgives your sins and gives you life.

He gives you and yours back to your Mother, His Church. No longer are you an orphan or a widow, but you are His own beloved and beautiful Bride, and you are a dear child of His Father.

As often as you die each day because of sin, He raises you up again through His forgiveness. He speaks His life-giving Word of Holy Absolution, and He touches your dead body with His own holy flesh and precious blood. By these means, not only does He give you life and make of you a new creation; He also restores you to the family and fellowship of His Church, so that you belong to one Body and Bride of Christ.

Here in His house, in His home and family, by and with His Word, His Body and His Blood, He remembers you, and He feeds you in mercy, grace and peace.

Your sin He remembers no more, for He has removed it far away from you forever. It is gone. Therefore, you shall not die, but live; and even though you die, yet shall you live.

You, He does remember; and, remembering, He acts to save you.

Do not weep, but arise, and here be given back to the bosom of your Mother. Be seated at the Table of your Bridegroom, and be well-fed here in your Father's house, both now and forever. Amen.