10 January 2021

The New Creation in the Baptism of Our Lord

The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a return to the beginning of Creation.  In fact, it is a renewal, a restoration, and a fulfillment of God’s good Creation.  The Baptism of our Lord, in particular, bespeaks and begins a New Creation through the forgiveness of sins.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  And He did so for the sake of His own divine Love, that of God the Father for His Son from all eternity in the bond and unity of the Holy Spirit.  For the sake of that Love He spoke and created.  And this gracious work of creation was (and is) the giving of Himself, His Life, His Light, and His Love, to His own creatures.  He does it all by the speaking of His Word and the breathing of His Spirit.  And it is no coincidence that He begins with water and brings all things into being out of the water.  Creation was the first big Baptism, which pointed to the Baptism of our Lord Jesus — and so also to your Holy Baptism.

The Lord’s creation of the heavens and the earth culminated in His creation of Man in His own Image and Likeness.  In this there was already an icon of Christ Jesus and His Bride, the Church — and it pointed again to Holy Baptism.  For Christ came down from heaven to seek His Bride and to give Himself for her, that He might cleanse her by the washing of the water with His Word.

All of this the Lord God did by His divine grace, and it was very good.

Then there was the Fall into sin and all the deadly curse and consequences of sin.  Man’s rejection and disobedience of God’s Word drives the Holy Spirit from man’s heart, mind, body, and life, breaks and shatters the Image and Likeness of God in man, and causes death and destruction and dark despair on every hand, making a desert wilderness out of the Lord’s formerly lush Garden.

And yet, the Holy Triune God remains — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — with Life and Light and Love for His creatures, even and especially for all the fallen and rebellious children of man.

So the Lord does not destroy His good Creation.  Even in the case of the Flood, with all its terrible death and destruction, the Lord was working to redeem and save His people — and pointing ahead to the saving waters of Holy Baptism.  The same waters of the Flood that drowned and destroyed the sinful world with all of its idolatry and unbelief, with all of its unfaithfulness and wickedness, also saved believing Noah and his family, cleansed the world, and gave new birth.  The Flood was the next big Baptism, pointing to the Baptism of our Lord — and so also to your Holy Baptism.

The Lord God has not exterminated man and started all over from scratch.  Instead, He has become true Man in the Person of God the Son.  He has entered and become a part of His own Creation.  And in His own Body of flesh and blood like yours, He makes all things new.  He brings light out of the darkness.  He brings life out of death.  He restores the Image and Likeness of God in Man.

Once again, not by coincidence or accident, the Creator of the heavens and the earth begins with water — with the speaking of His Word and the bestowing of His Spirit.

The Baptism of our Lord is straightforward, short and simple, especially in St. Mark’s account.  But for all that, it is no less significant, no less fundamental.  It is profound, and it is permanent.  God has here established and accomplished something for all eternity.  For Christ Jesus, the Son of God, has taken His place with you and all people in His Baptism; so that all who believe and are baptized into Him are forgiven all their sins in His Name, and they are saved in and with Him.

As I have often said, Jesus here submits Himself to St. John’s preaching and Baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  Not for His own benefit — He has no need.  It is for the sake of Love.  And not for any sins of His own — He has no sins.  But it is for you and for all people, for the forgiveness of all your sins, for your life and salvation, on account of His divine and holy Love.

Here is the “great exchange,” as Dr. Luther liked to say.  The holiness, righteousness, innocence, and blessedness of Christ Jesus, in exchange for your sins, your death, and your damnation.  His Life and Light and Love, all given to you at His expense.  His Sonship, His Holy Spirit, His home in heaven with God the Father — all of this for you by way of His Cross and in His Resurrection.

You see, the Baptism of our Lord already anticipates and initiates His Cross and His Resurrection from the dead.  Here He is crucified, put to death, and buried in the water.  Here He emerges and arises from the water in righteousness and purity.  All of this in your place and for your benefit.

Everything that was yours is now His in His Baptism.  Your sin becomes His.  Your death becomes His.  The righteous wrath and judgment of God against your sins is here and now leveled against Him.  And everything that is His is now yours in your Baptism.  You rise with Him, and you live with Him.  You are a beloved and well-pleasing son of God by grace, anointed by His Holy Spirit.

This is how Christ Jesus baptizes you with the Holy Spirit.  It is in and with the waters of His own Baptism — which have become your Holy Baptism in His Name and with His Word.

So it is that the heavens are now opened to you.  And the Father’s heart is opened to you.  And the Father’s arms and His home are opened to you, never to be closed again.  All because Christ Jesus has suffered and died in your place, and He is risen from the dead as your Savior and Redeemer.

Now you are a New Creation in the same Lord Jesus Christ by the washing of the water with His Word and Spirit.  He has named you with His own Name, the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  And with His Name He has recreated you in His own Image and Likeness, in your heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit.  You are set free from the bondage of sin and death.  You are free to live as God lives.  You are free to love as God loves.  You are free to reflect and radiate His Light, as He enlightens you by His Word and Holy Spirit.  For the One who caused the light to shine out of the darkness has caused the Light of Christ to shine forth within your heart.

What, then, shall you do?  What shall you do with yourself and your life?  How shall you live?  How shall you exercise your freedom in Christ Jesus, since for freedom He has set you free?

Will you live to sin?  To serve yourself?  To go your own way?  To abandon the God who loves you and saves you and gives you life, in order to be your own false god and so to die in your sin?

May it never be!  You have been crucified with Christ Jesus, in order to live with Him.  You have died to sin.  Let it remain dead to you.  All that so appeals to the world — all that so appeals to your old mortal flesh — all that seems to be a source of life and freedom and happiness — it is really the false allure of slavery and death, beckoning you back to destruction and dark despair.  It is the idolatry that does not give but only takes.  It is a pantheon of false gods that destroy you.

But your true life is in Christ Jesus.  Your life is found, paradoxically, in His Cross and Passion.  And it is safe and secure in His bodily Resurrection from the dead, although it is now hidden under much weakness.  So, your life is found in repentance — unto faith in His forgiveness of your sins.

None of this is your own work or effort, none of this is your own choice or decision.  It is beyond you.  It is not something you can achieve for yourself.  But it is given to you freely by the Lord.  It is Christ’s work, and it is His good and gracious gift, freely given to be freely received in the Liturgy of His Gospel by the preaching of His Word and the working of His Holy Spirit.

Come, then, confessing your sins and receiving His free and full forgiveness.  Return daily to the significance of your Baptism by contrition and repentance.  Examine yourself, your heart and life, in view of the Ten Commandments and the place where God has stationed you.  Confess your sins, and hear the Lord’s Word of Absolution.  Die to your sins, and rise to newness of life in Christ.

Rely upon the Word and Spirit of Christ Jesus.  Avail yourself of the means of grace, which are His good work and His free gift to you.  Live in the freedom and the sure and certain hope of His Resurrection from the dead.  For your life is already manifested in His crucified and risen Body.

As you have died and risen with Him in your Baptism — never to die again, but to live forever with God the Father and the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus, the incarnate Son — do not be afraid to love and serve, to sacrifice yourself, and even to die for your neighbor.  Do not be afraid to forgive those who trespass against you, for your own sins are freely and fully forgiven in Christ Jesus.

So, give generously.  Serve faithfully.  Love freely.  Live gladly.  And at the last, depart from this body and life in the peace and joy of Christ Jesus, the beloved and well-pleasing Son of God.  For even though you die, yet shall you live.  For Christ has died, and Christ is risen, and you are His.

You are baptized, as He is baptized, and all that belongs to Him is yours most surely.  Your sins are all forgiven, the heavens are opened to you, and the Word and Spirit of God rest upon you.

In the Name + of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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