24 December 2021

Ready or Not, the ChristMass Comes for You

Are you ready for Christmas?  You’ve been asking others, haven’t you, over these past few weeks.  And you’ve been asked the question, too, I’m sure.  It’s the social equivalent of chatting about the weather in these latter days of December — a tip of the hat that doesn’t risk anything deeper.

If you were actually going to consider the question, though, what would you say?  Are you ready for Christmas?  You’ve tried, I’m sure, to some extent at least, even if only half-heartedly.  After all, it’s hard to avoid or ignore the Season when so much revolves around it for a month or more.

But, let’s face it, you’re not ready.  Not really.  Not even on your best day, and notwithstanding your checked-off to-do lists.  You could probably tell me in a heartbeat what you have and haven’t done.  Maybe with pride, or maybe with regret, or maybe with irritation and resentment.  But, in any case, you know where things stand, because you ‘know’ that everyone else is keeping track.

It may be that you’re content and satisfied, or maybe not.  I don’t want or need to know your score.  It’s a lie, no matter what the bell curve.  The truth is that you’re not ready for Christmas, because it simply isn’t something that you can do, achieve, or get ready for.  You can’t make it happen.

But what is it, really, that you’ve been aiming at and trying to accomplish?  Think about your list; go over it twice.  Are you doing it all for love?  For whom?  And for what?  What’s your plan?

The stress and the strain.  The striving and struggle.  The sadness and the surliness, on the surface or deep down inside.  Is that love?  Or, is it self-ness that drives you and whips you forward?

If you’re trying to know God and be like Him — by somehow getting Christmas “done right” — you’re not going to manage anything close to that on your own.  By your own wisdom, reason, and strength — by your own working and worry — by your shopping and spending, or by your saving and investing for the future — without the Savior, it all amounts to one and the same epic failure.

You cannot manage on your own, because you live in the darkness of sin and death, inside and out.  Which is to say, you’re doing it all wrong, and you’re going to die.  It’s as stark and simple as that.  And there’s nothing you can do about it, no way for you to fix it, stop it, or make it any better.

Yet, ready or not, Christmas comes.  Indeed, it is upon us.  It is here and now.

The Light shines in the darkness.  But what does that mean?  It is the Law of the Lord, to be sure, which exposes your sin, your nakedness and shame.  But more than that, it is the Gospel — the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of your sins — which is the knowledge of intimacy and a personal relationship with the one true God, the Holy Trinity.  That is what shines upon you.

The Father speaks to you by His Son, and the Holy Spirit opens your ears, heart, and mind to hear.  The Lord Himself gives you a Sign, which is Himself in the Flesh.  He swears by His own Name.

So, here is the bottom line: Christmas comes, because Christ Jesus comes; He comes for you.

The incarnate God, conceived and born of St. Mary the Blessed Virgin, is Himself the Sign that is given to you by His grace, by which He is with you in the Flesh.  Not simply to hang out with you or keep you company, though that companionship and friendship of Christ is no small thing, especially in the face of your loneliness and emptiness and isolation.  But there is more than that.  The Lord God is with you in the Flesh, in order to save you, to give you His own divine Life in body and soul.  That Life is the Light that drives away the darkness with the knowledge of God.

In Christ Jesus, the incarnate Son, you know what God is like.  You know Him.  You know that He is Love, and that it is for the sake of His Love that He rescues you from every evil, delivers you from sin, death, and the devil, and draws you to Himself in Peace.  You know Him, not as anger, but as mercy and compassion, as long-suffering patience, sweet forgiveness, and tender care.

From the heights of Heaven into the depths of Sheol, He has come for you, to save you from the serpent’s deadly sting; to snatch you from the clutches of the grave; to pick you up out of the dust and the dirt, and to stand you upright in His presence.  All of this at the cost of His own suffering and death.  For the Father has sacrificed His only-begotten Son for you, and He has raised Him up again as a Standard for the nations.  Look to Him, and live.  This is Love.  This is who God is.

In Christ Jesus — in His Incarnation, Flesh and Blood — in His Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension — and, now also, in His Church, at His Altar — everything is ready.  All is prepared, it is finished and complete.  For He is risen from the dead and lives and reigns eternally in the same Flesh and Blood that He shares with you and with all the sons and daughters of Adam & Eve.

The ChristMass is ready for you, here and now, again at midnight and tomorrow morning, and throughout the days and weeks ahead.  You were not ready for it, but the ChristMass is ready for you, in which there is nothing less than sheer Life and Salvation for you and for the many, by and with the forgiveness of all your sins.  Here and now, the Victory of Christ Jesus is given to you.

And in that Light, the good news is that you are ready for Christmas, no matter how much or how little you’ve tried to do, or managed to get done — or even if you’ve been a Scrooge and haven’t done a blessed thing to make this Season bright.  Because, again, it’s not something for you to do or give.  It is the Gift that is given to you by the Word of Christ, and you receive it by His grace.

As the Son of God thus comes to you by the preaching of His Word and in His Holy Sacrament — as He serves you in this way, makes Himself known to you by these Means, and gives Himself to you in Peace, in order to live and abide with you in love — and as you abide in Him by grace through faith in His Gospel, you are made ready by His Spirit to live and to love in His Name.

As you live by His grace, mercy, and peace, so do you also live and love as He as does.  By His Word and Holy Spirit, you love Him who first loves you, who is indeed your Life and Light and Salvation, your Strength, and your Song.

And loving Him, you love your neighbors, your family and friends and even those who hate you and sin against you, and especially your brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.  You learn to love one another, and you practice loving one another, in the way that Jesus loves you, because Jesus loves you, one and all.  That may not mean lots of fancy and expensive gifts.  You rather love each other well, in sincerity and truth, by caring for one another in the Peace and Joy of your dear Savior.

Don’t worry, and do not be afraid.  He is ready, willing, and able to save you.  And He is here to help and serve you.  Live and love in Him, in whom you are so blessed, unto the Life everlasting.

In the Name + of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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