30 March 2012

The Inheritance of the True Vine

Ironically, the vine-growers are correct, that, by the death of the Vineyard Owner’s Son, the inheritance is bestowed.

But it will not be taken by such violence; nor is the Vineyard ever outside of the Father’s hands.

He is patient with the vine-growers, not because He is helpless or powerless; neither did He need their help to begin with. But, no, He is patient and long-suffering, even with them; and He sends His servants, the Prophets and preachers of His Word, and finally His own beloved Son, in order to receive the vine-growers together with the Vineyard unto Himself in faith.

In truth, it is by the death of His beloved Son, Christ Jesus, that God the Father has given life to His Vineyard, and growth and produce. It was already in view and in virtue of the Son’s Cross and Resurrection that the Vineyard was planted and cared for in the beginning.

So, too, the Prophets before (and the Apostles after), have not only preached the Cross and Passion of the Christ, but have suffered it themselves; precisely because it is by the Cross that God brings forth fruit in the Resurrection of His Son. Not because He is hungry or needy or greedy, but for the benefit of His people.

Thus, the Stone which the builders rejected has become the Head of the corner. This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous.

But what shall become of the builders who reject that Chief Cornerstone? And what of those vine-growers who refuse to receive this beloved Son?

The Father will give the Vineyard to others, most surely, and the inheritance of His House. This, indeed, is always His desire, His purpose and intention, to give His good gifts — in and with and for the sake of His Son.

So by the Cross of Christ He has planted His Vineyard,
and in His Resurrection it is fruitful and productive.

With His Church He has enclosed His Vineyard with a wall, as a mighty fortress, but He has also built a tower within for the proclamation of the Gospel to all.

You have entered the Vineyard at the gracious invitation of that Gospel preaching, and have been grafted into the true Vine by your Baptism into His Cross and Resurrection. You, then, are also a beloved son, and the Father’s inheritance is yours.

See, here, from His wine press, the Blood of the Vine is poured out for you — the Blood of the Covenant He has made with you — for the forgiveness of your sins and the life everlasting.

In the Name + of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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