23 March 2012

God's Own Child, Christ Has Said It

Whether you live or die, whether you are a slave or free, whether you remain in the house or not, depends upon whose child you are.

Who you are depends upon who your father is.

If you are a child of Abraham, an heir of God’s promises to Abraham and to his Seed forever, then do the deeds of Abraham, which are done by faith in the Word that God has spoken.

And if you would have God as your Father, instead of the devil, then love His Son, Jesus, who is the true Seed of Abraham.

That, too, is by His Word.

It is the Word that begets children of God the Father; and His children do as He does, first of all by speaking as He speaks, which is to say, by confessing Christ.

When you speak falsely, when you lie, bear false witness, gossip, or spin the truth to your own advantage, then you speak as the devil; as though he were your father, and you his child.

When you hurt or harm your neighbor with your words, then you are a murderer, like the devil, no less than if you hit with your fists.

When you listen for life, and speak of life, apart from Christ Jesus, then you would seek to kill Him — but by refusing to hear and receive His Word, it is yourself that you put to death.

Then you are a child of fornication, no matter what your genealogical pedigree. For the idolatry of unbelief begets the children of wrath, who are born into the house of bondage, slaves of sin and death.

But hear what Jesus says: He is the Word of the Father to you, in the flesh. The Father has sent Him to set you free — and He has done it. You are free indeed. He does not lie, but speaks the truth, which is the forgiveness of all your sins in His Name. He does not murder you, but He gives you life, even at the cost of His own.

As the true Seed of Abraham, He, Christ Jesus, is the beloved Son who is sacrificed in faith and love, as the Passover Lamb of God, by which you are spared from death, and set free from slavery, and born again as a child of God.

His Word declares it to be so; not only as the truth, but as the Word of God, your Father. Amen, Amen. It is so.

In the Name + of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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