06 December 2011

Sketching Out Chapters: For All His Benefits

Introduction: The historical and theological place and importance of hymnals and service books in Lutheranism - from Luther to the 19th-century confessional revival - to the formation of the LCMS

1 - Hymnody and Liturgical Practice in the early LCMS

2 - Walther's Kirchengesangbuch and the accompanying Agende

3 - Coinciding and Subsequent Developments in American Lutheranism

4 - Development, Publication, and Reception of the ELHB (1922)

5 - Revision of ELHB and Publication of The Lutheran Hymnal (1941)

6 - Reception and Use of TLH and its accompanying Agenda

7 - The Work of the LCMS Worship Committee through the 1950s

8 - Coinciding and Subsequent Developments in American Lutheranism

9 - Work on the Proposed Revision of TLH (amid a "Pan-Lutheran" Push)

10 - Origins and Formation of the Inter-Lutheran Commission on Worship

11 - The Preparation and Publication of the Worship Supplement (1969)

12 - Organization and Work of the Inter-Lutheran Commission on Worship

13 - The Pan-Lutheran Battle Over the Ecumenical ILCW Eucharist

14 - LCMS Assessment of the Proposed Lutheran Book of Worship (1978)

15 - The Work and Proposal of the Special Hymnal Review Committee

16 - LCMS Revision of LBW and Development of Lutheran Worship (1982)

17 - The Introduction, Adoption, Acceptance, and Aftermath of LW

18 - Division, Disarray, "Creative Worship," and Desk-Top Publishing

19 - Coinciding and Subsequent Developments among Other Lutherans

20 - Preparations for and Publication of the Hymnal Supplement 98

21 - The Organization and Work of the LCMS Lutheran Hymnal Project

22 - Coinciding and Subsequent Developments among Other Lutherans

23 - Proposal, Adoption, and Completion of Lutheran Service Book (2006)

24 - The Introduction and Reception of the LSB (from 2006 through 2011)

Conclusion: Where We Are Now, and Where We Ought to Go from Here


  1. Forget not to tell of how Walther urged Crull to English the Agenda and how it was done, and a handful of German Kernlieder were put into this language and published as well. This was BEFORE the Common Service appeared - Walther beat them to the punch in 1881. Nowhere in Missouri's official tellings of the history does this vital chapter appear - and Crull's translation still is better, in my opinion, than many that appeared in Common Service. Here is his rendering of the post-communion collect: We thank Thee, O Lord, Almighty God, that Thou hast refreshed us by this wholesome gift, and we beseech Thy mercy, that Thou wouldst cause it to redound in strong faith toward Thee and in fervent love among us all, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord.

  2. Oh, OR the way he dealt with the Prefaces:

    "It is very meet and right, becoming and salutary....Therefore with angels and archangels, with the thrones and dominions, and with all the heavenly host, we sing to Thy glory a hymn, evermore saying:"

  3. Thanks for these helpful comments and suggestions, Brother Weedon. If you have other such data compiled somewhere, or particular sources that I might not have discovered on my own heretofore, I certainly welcome whatever you might share.

    A blessed Advent to you and yours.

  4. This looks like so much fun!

    Would my college paper comparing the LW with the LBW hymnals be helpful? If so, I can send it to you again.

  5. Thanks for asking, Eleanor. And thank you for your interest in my topic. I actually have kept your paper on my computer since you sent it to me. It's been a while since I last read it, however, so I'll take another look at it now. I'm sure it will contribute to my thinking.

    God bless you for all that you do.

  6. When will this be complete? Need a proofreader or betareader?
