15 September 2009

I Wonder

It appears to be the case that
those who already seem to have everything
are still jealous of those who have anything.

But then there is the One by whom all things were made,
without whom nothing is,
who emptied Himself and made Himself nothing,
so that we who have nothing might have it all.

Oh, to have the same mind as that of Christ Jesus!


  1. Hey, that first paragraph sounds a whole lot like the story of the Count of Monte Cristo. And like my children whose mottoes used to be "you can never have enough legos or playmobiles." The more you get, the more you want.

    But, oh, the contrast...

  2. Another variation for an older generation from something I heard recently:

    Grown daughter #1: I talked to mom twice today.

    Grown daughter #2: I only talked to her once, but it was a better conversation.
