27 September 2007

Hymns for Proper 27-29 Series C

The Third Sunday Before Advent
Proper 27 (Sunday on November 6–12)
Exodus 3:1–15
2 Thessalonians 2:1–8, 13–17
Luke 20:27–40

Hymn of Invocation
Preserve Your Word, O Savior (LSB #658)

Hymn of the Day
From God can nothing move me (LSB #713)

Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Christ sits at God’s right hand (LSB #564)
O Lord, how shall I meet You (LSB #334)
Jesus, Thy boundless love to me (LSB #683)
I know that my Redeemer lives (LSB #461)

Hymn of Departure / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
Who trusts in God a strong abode (LSB #714)

Alternative Hymns
Christ, the Word of God incarnate (LSB #540)
Creator of the stars of night (LSB #351)
For all the saints who from their labors rest (LSB #677)
God’s Word is our great heritage (LSB #582)
If thou but trust in God to guide thee (LSB #750)
In God, my faithful God (LSB #745)
Jerusalem the golden (LSB #672)
Jesus Christ, my sure defense (LSB #741)
Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide (LSB #585)
O God, my faithful God (LSB #696)
Oh, what their joy and their glory must be (LSB #675)
Rejoice, rejoice, believers (LSB #515)
Sing with all the saints in glory (LSB #671)
The day is surely drawing near (LSB #508)

The Second Sunday Before Advent
Proper 28 (Sunday on November 13–19)
Malachi 4:1–6
2 Thessalonians 3:(1–5) 6–13
Luke 21:5–28 (29–36)

Hymn of Invocation
Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word (LSB #655)

Hymn of the Day
The day is surely drawing near (LSB #508)

Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
If thou but trust in God to guide thee (LSB #750) (Catechetical Hymn)
Wake, awake, for night is flying (LSB #516)
O Savior, rend the heavens wide (LSB #355)
Sing with all the saints in glory (LSB #671)

Hymn of Departure
Lord of our life and God of our salvation (LSB #659)

Alternative Hymns
Abide, O dearest Jesus (LSB #919)
All Christians who have been baptized (LSB #596)
Built on the Rock the Church shall stand (LSB #645)
Creator of the stars of night (LSB #351)
For all the saints who from their labors rest (LSB #677)
In God, my faithful God (LSB #745)
In the shattered bliss of Eden (LSB #572)
No temple now, no gift of price (LSB #530)
Now thank we all our God (LSB #895)
O little flock, fear not the foe (LSB #666)
O rejoice, ye Christians, loudly (LSB #897)
Rise, my soul, to watch and pray (LSB #663)
The clouds of judgment gather (LSB #513)
Ye watchers and ye holy ones (LSB #670)

The Last Sunday Before Advent
Proper 29 (Sunday on November 20–26)

Malachi 3:13–18
Colossians 1:13–20
Luke 23:27–43

Processional Hymn / Hymn of Invocation
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (LSB #621)

Hymn of the Day
Lord, enthroned in heav’nly splendor (LSB #534)

Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Wide open stand the gates (LSB #639)
At the name of Jesus (LSB #512) (Catechetical Hymn)
O Morning Star, how fair and bright (LSB #395)
For all the saints who from their labors rest (LSB #677)

Processional Out / Hymn of Departure
Lord, Thee I love with all my heart (LSB #708)

Alternative Hymns
A mighty fortress is our God (LSB #656)
Christ, the Life of all the living (LSB #420)
Creator of the stars of night (LSB #351)
If thou but trust in God to guide thee (LSB #750)
In the shattered bliss of Eden (LSB #572)
Lo! He comes with clouds descending (LSB #336)
Jesus Christ, my sure defense (LSB #741)
Lord Jesus Christ, the Church’s head (LSB #647)
Lord Jesus, think on me (LSB #610)
O Jesus, King most wonderful (LSB #554)
On my heart imprint Your image (LSB #422)
Praise be to Christ in whom we see (LSB #538)
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle (LSB #454)
The day is surely drawing near (LSB #508)
Wake, awake, for night is flying (LSB #516)
Why should cross and trial grieve me (LSB #756)

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