15 July 2007

Thinking Blogger

Thanks to Jane at Homeschool Notebook for nominating my little blog here for a "thinking blogger" award. I'm pleased if my own thinking out loud, which is so helpful to me in sorting things out and processing my thoughts, is also of some benefit to others. It is certainly the case that I enjoy the contributions that Jane and many other bloggers make. Such internet dialogue surely does not take the place of personal conversation, but it offers another means of exploring topics and pooling our collective wisdom, in a way that I find to be worthy of my time.

I've followed Jane's helpful instructions for putting the "thinking blogger" button here, and I gather that I am also supposed to "nominate" others for the same. Since Jane is the one who nominated me, and she already nominated Susan's Pendelum at the same time, it would be redundant of me to name either of them. I'm also not sure how to embed links to anyone else's blog within a post, so the best I can do is to refer people to my list of blogs "on the other hand," which includes all of the spots that I regularly check. As far as those that most often make me think, I'd have to include the following (by no means an exhaustive list):

Karin's Chickens: though she has an unfair advantage in being a close friend of my family. Nevertheless, her blog posts do make me think, and as often as not make me laugh, which is sometimes as good or better.

The Crafty Wright's: offers very thoughtful comments, and thought-provoking questions.

Pastor Petersen's "Cyberstones," on the Redeemer Home Page, is excellent, and regularly a great catalyst of worthwhile discussions.

Rev. Weedon's Blog: is always worth reading; I love his daily quotations from the fathers.

Burr in the Burgh: a recent discovery of mine, by my good friend and colleague, Rev. Scott Stiegemeyer. I appreciate his insights and his reflections on popular culture.

Esgetology: another source of theologically sound commentary on various topics of interest.

Exercise in Humility: new posts are not as frequent as on some other blogs, but I always like to read what my dear friend Emily has to say.

Mostly Harmless: likewise, the number of posts is relatively small, but they tend to be clever, thoughtful and worthwhile.

So, I guess those are the "thinking blogs" that I would be inclined to put toward the top of my list. But, again, all of those listed "on the other hand" (the list on the left here) are blogs that I check daily. Those individuals can refer to Jane's Homeschool Notebook for how to go about putting the "thinking blog" button on their pages, if they like.

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